Friday, February 17, 2012

Flash Quick Tip - Loading SWF movies that use components

When loading an SWF file that uses a component, such as a ComboBox component, into a serperate _level, loader coponent or slide, be sure to include the component in the library of the initial flash movie or the component may not work. If you've ever had issues with components not working in swf files that are loaded by a different swf file, this is likely your problem.

initial_flash_movie.swf ( _level0 )
loaded_flash_movie.swf ( _level1, _level2, or level3 etc...)
--Component Instance

In the above example initial_flash_movie.swf would need a the component (used in loaded_flash_movie.swf) in it’s library. To do this:

1. open the initial_flash_movie.fla file
2. drag the component from the components pannel onto the stage
3. with the component instance slected, press delete to remove it from the stage
4. if you look in the library for this fla the component should still be there
5. save and publish the fla file

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